Denovan: Diversity the Key for Australian Super TT Championship

The Australian Super TT Championship will be held over four rounds in 2023, visiting circuits in New South Wales, Victoria and the Northern Territory as part of the Hi-Tec Oils Super Series.

The man behind the Australian Super TT Championship is Terry Denovan, a well-respected figure in the motorsport scene and someone who has overseen the growth of Super TT at a state level in NSW and Victoria. We caught up with Terry for his insights into the season ahead.

Q: What was the rationale behind creating an Australian Super TT Championship for 2023?

A: We already have the NSW and Victorian Super TT Championships, so it made sense to run a national championship as part of the Hi-Tec Oils Super Series program. The regulations and class structure are consistent between NSW and Victoria, so any cars that are eligible in either of those states will also be eligible for the national championship.

Q: What are you hoping to achieve with the championship this year?

A: The main objective of the Australian Super TT Championship is to give competitors the opportunity to race at a national level under the Super TT brand, with the exposure benefits of television and live streaming.The Super TT rounds at Sydney Motorsport Park, Winton and Calder Park will run as combined rounds of both the national championship and the respective state championships, but there will also be the trip to Hidden Valley in Darwin which will be a stand-alone national round.

Q: What sort of cars will compete in the Australian Super TT Championship?

A: The best thing about Super TT has always been its diversity. It’s a category that has always attracted a wide range of vehicles from four-cylinder, front-wheel-drive cars to high-horsepower, rear-wheel-drive V8s and everything in between, including turbocharged all-wheel-drive cars and rotaries.Having such a widespread array of cars makes the racing interesting, because typically there will be cars that do similar lap times, but achieve their speed differently – some cars might be quicker in a straight line, others might be more nimble through the corners.It’s a category that appeals to motoring enthusiasts who enjoy tinkering with their cars in the shed, or owners of cars from other tin-top categories who are looking for a relaxed, fun environment to race in.

Q: How does the Super TT class structure work

A: There are four different classes in Super TT: Under and Over 2 Litre, Slick and Treaded Tyres. It’s a simple structure but it caters for an assortment of different cars and mechanical specifications. 

Q: There will be a Darwin round – how has the response been from the competitors to travelling up north?

A: We’re very pleased with the enthusiasm from people wanting to travel to Darwin from New South Wales and Victoria, and make a holiday out of the event. Some people are planning a road trip through Central Australia, so it will be quite an adventure for them!Additionally, there will be some cars in Darwin that will be eligible to compete, so we’re looking forward to having them on the grid as well. 

Q: What are the benefits of Super TT running on the Hi-Tec Oils Super Series program?

A: Running as part of such a high-profile national series will be a big benefit for Super TT, to raise awareness of the category and show that there is alternative grass-roots motorsport options available for competitors.For competitors racing at a state level, it’s an opportunity for them to move up to national competition as a natural progression.


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